Redemption by simple things
I’ve been back in the country for a couple of weeks and things have been anything but dull. I thought it would be tough coming back to this life after a full month at home, and it was about as bad as I expected it to be, worse perhaps in a dozen little nagging ways. When you don’t want to be somewhere, the refrigerator door that won’t close is something close to intolerable. As are the elevator that smells like cigarette smoke and the mayonnaise jar that you can’t get open. Never mind the fact that it’s crappy mayonnaise and the picture on the label – a little line drawing in red of a kewpie doll – is enough to warrant defenestration from the 24th floor. But you get through those things and settle back into your routine and focus on the bigger issues. Like spending time thinking about your situation and what you’ve gained and lost in a commitment such as this. I’ve learned and awful lot about people, and I’ve learned a bit about myself and chief among those epiphanies is the one associ...