My Favorite Park

Breakfast in the penthouse and then out on the street for a visit to my favorite little park.

I've written about the park many times before and each time I visit I want to write more. Today was my first springtime visit and the season added some new elements. Many more people than I'd encountered in the past, trees in blossom and tons of different birds. I picked up a couple of "lifers" - Crested Myna and Yellow-billed Grosbeak. Walking along I came to the place where the men hang their caged birds for singing and today, there were several dozen in the trees, more than I had seen in the past. All singing like crazy, believing they were defending a territory. I stopped and watched and listened and a middle-aged gentleman walked over and struck up a conversation, in Chinese. I butchered my way through telling him they sounded beautiful and he nodded. I asked him the name of a Bulbul he had in one cage and he replied, but I didn't quite catch the Chinese name. I did get that the Bulbul was singing to the Song Thrush though. He wandered off and I moved on.

Here are a few pictures from the morning stroll.

Trees in front of the hotel:

View across the pond:

Driving the bonsai to their summer home:

Members of the Tai Chi legions:

Caged birds in the trees:

And a Bulbul in particular:

These folks were tying sticks and brush together to make brooms for the daily street sweeping:


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